The presentation of projects from students from the 2010-2011 class will take place on Friday 23 September 2011. The project titles are: Diabetes management in UK and Singapore: A comparative study. Health promotion in hospitals Using process and outcome measures from routinely available data to assess quality of care of patients with presentation of acute myocardial infarction in UK National Health Service hospitals Population Movement and Malaria Transmission in Africa Measuring Hospital Performance Childhood vaccinations in the Gambia Quality Improvement for Diabetes Foot Services in North West London Resistance to Truvada and other NRTIs Social deprivation and common mental disorders: The case of the Westminster IAPT service Venous Thrombo-embolism in Flying Passengers: A case-control study Gall stones, kidney stones and risk of type II diabetes mellitus in a large prospective cohort study conducted in Europe (InterAct) Quality indicators for colorectal cancer Measur...
This blog is for tutors, students and prospective students of the Imperial College MPH Programme