The presentation of 2013-14 MPH student dissertations took place on Tuesday 23 September 2014. We heard an excellent set of presentations from a very committed group of students. The diversity of projects illustrates the wide range of research, public health and policy carried work out in the School of Public Health at Imperial College London. The prize for the best overall performance in the MPH was awarded to Bryony Simmons. This prize is given to the student who obtains the highest overall mark on the MPH course. The prize for the best dissertation was awarded to Miranda Trevor (Was the Great Recession associated with changes in self-rated health in Europe) and Shaon Lahiri (Effect of Humanitarian Crises on Social Functioning Among Civilians in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review). The titles of the 40 student presentations are listed below. Effectiveness of design features within mHealth interventions for supporting the self-management of long-term co...
This blog is for tutors, students and prospective students of the Imperial College MPH Programme