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Showing posts from September, 2012

The Grandest Challenge - Global Health & Innovation

This talk will be delivered by the Professor Abdallah Daar from 18.00 - 20.00 on Thursday, 11 October at Imperial College London, Blackett 1 Lecture Theatre, Physics Building. The talk is based on the author's recently published book “The Grandest Challenge: Taking Life-saving Science from Lab to Village”. It will discuss, among other issues, Professor Daar's work in Oman in medical education and organ transplantation; his work with international organizations such as WHO, UNESCO, the UN etc; his move to the University of Toronto, the programmes he established there, including his award winning work on global health, ethics (for which he won the UNESCO Avicenna Prize on the Ethics of Science), and innovation in science and technology. He will also discuss Oman's potential role in research and innovation. Professor Abdallah Daar is currently Professor of Public Health Sciences and Surgery at the University of Toronto and a Senior Scientis...

2011-12 MPH Student Prizes

The 2011-12 MPH Prize for the Best Overall Performance was awarded to Thomas Cowling. Thomas' thesis was titled Access to general practice and attendance at accident and emergency departments: a systematic review and ecological, cross-sectional analysis . The 2011-12 Prize for the Best Dissertation was awarded to Louise McGrath. Louise's dissertation was titled  Evaluation of the sexual health and service utilisation of sex workers attending GUM clinics in England using routine data .

Public Health in the Arab World

Dr. Samer Jabbour, lead editor and book project coordinator, and Dr. Sameen Siddiqi, one of the contributors, will be visiting Imperial College London to launch Public Health in the Arab World . Joined by Professor Salman Rawaf, also one of the contributors, of Imperial College London’s Department of Primary Care and Public Health and the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education & Training, they will present and discuss the book’s “story”. The book launch will tkae place at 2pm on Friday 14 September 2012 in Lecture Theatre 1.47, Royal School of Mines Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London. No region has changed as radically as the Arab world in the past 18 months. Current developments are altering the public health landscape, but the full impact will take years to unfold. Popular uprisings have exposed important social issues: unemployment, exclusion, and poor social services, including poor health services. These are key so...

Presentation of 2011-12 MPH Research Projects

The presentation of projects from students from the 2011-2012 class will take place on Thursday 20 September 2012 & Friday 21 September 2012. The project titles are: The impact of task shifting within the healthcare workforce: How can Bangladesh continue to reduce neonatal mortality? Diabetes Prevention, Peer Led Education and Self-Management Programmes (DIMPLE): an impact evaluation of the Champions Project. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Health. Evaluation of the sexual health and service utilisation of sex workers attending GUM clinics in England using routine data. Micro and macro level costs and benefits of malaria control-Systematic review. Hospitals Safe from the Disasters.  Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Perceived quality of malaria treatment in a context of decreasing endemicity: a qualitative study examining the impact of changes in treatment guidelines in The Gambia. Modelling and understanding the role of climatic var...

Careers Morning - 5th September 2012

A careers morning will be held on 5th September 2012. See below for timetable. Time Title Speaker 09:30-10:15 Imperial College Careers Advisory Service: services offered to Master’s alumni (within 3 years of graduating) Ms Yasmina Mallam Hassam, Careers Consultant, Careers Advisory Service, Level 5, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus 10:15-11:00 A career as a modeller Dr. Peter White Head of Modelling and Economics Unit at Health Protection Agency and, Sen. Lecturer, MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling,  Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London 11:00-11:15 Break 11:15-12:00 A career in global health/public health Dr. Bhargavi  Rao Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow Department Infectious Disease Epidemiology Imperial College London ...