This talk will be delivered by the Professor Abdallah Daar from 18.00 - 20.00 on Thursday, 11 October at Imperial College London, Blackett 1 Lecture Theatre, Physics Building.
The talk is based on the author's recently published book “The Grandest Challenge: Taking Life-saving Science from Lab to Village”. It will discuss, among other issues, Professor Daar's work in Oman in medical education and organ transplantation; his work with international organizations such as WHO, UNESCO, the UN etc; his move to the University of Toronto, the programmes he established there, including his award winning work on global health, ethics (for which he won the UNESCO Avicenna Prize on the Ethics of Science), and innovation in science and technology. He will also discuss Oman's potential role in research and innovation.
Professor Abdallah Daar is currently Professor of Public Health Sciences and Surgery at the University of Toronto and a Senior Scientist at University Health Network. He is Director of Ethics and commercialization at the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, UHN and University of Toronto. He is also the Chief Scientist and Ethics Officer, and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Grand Challenges Canada.
The talk is based on the author's recently published book “The Grandest Challenge: Taking Life-saving Science from Lab to Village”. It will discuss, among other issues, Professor Daar's work in Oman in medical education and organ transplantation; his work with international organizations such as WHO, UNESCO, the UN etc; his move to the University of Toronto, the programmes he established there, including his award winning work on global health, ethics (for which he won the UNESCO Avicenna Prize on the Ethics of Science), and innovation in science and technology. He will also discuss Oman's potential role in research and innovation.
Professor Abdallah Daar is currently Professor of Public Health Sciences and Surgery at the University of Toronto and a Senior Scientist at University Health Network. He is Director of Ethics and commercialization at the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, UHN and University of Toronto. He is also the Chief Scientist and Ethics Officer, and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Grand Challenges Canada.